Quality, accuracy and thoroughness are the hallmarks of every Horizon production and make the programs stand out as trusted coverage.
This commitment to excellence is made possible with the help of Horizon’s Scientific Review Board and other advisors who carefully evaluate ideas and review scripts.

Hosted and narrated by Lynn Redgrave, Rasmane Raso Ouedraogo, Sam Waterston, Johan Forssblad, Alfred Thorwarth and others, One Second Before Sunrise brings to audiences exciting stories of promising solutions to the world's most pressing problems.

The programs cover the environment, preserving wildlife and endangered plants, reducing pollutants, reducing global climate change and acid rain, practicing sustainable, non-toxic agriculture; health, finding ways to reduce malnutrition, TB, malaria, dengue, and sexually transmissible infections such as HIV/AIDS, and unwanted pregnancy; and, development, finding means to meet economic needs with least harm to our planet and advancing technological innovations for the betterment of the planet.

Horizon chooses ideas and initiatives that both entertain and inspire positive action.


Horizon’s Television Programs Currently Available on www.horizoninternationaltv.org:

One Second Before Sunrise: Program I:
A One-Hour Program with Five Stories
Hosted and Narrated by Lynn Redgrave
Co-produced in part with WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) TV, Germany;


Part 1: Wave-Powered Desalination:
Striving to help meet the desperate need for fresh water for millions of people in coastal regions throughout the world, Dr. Michael Pleass and his colleagues invented low-cost, self-contained desalination devices that can be installed and maintained by local, trained individuals.

Part 2. Organic Farming in the South Bronx:
In one of America's toughest urban neighborhoods, Gary Waldron, an IBM executive, started GLIE Farms, an organic greenhouse and herb farm near his childhood home in the South Bronx, New York. Setting an example by organically growing lucrative fresh herbs while creating jobs for more than 120 people, the farm exemplifies the spirit of enterprise in a neighborhood on the brink of losing hope.

Part 3: Wildflower Seed Bank:
To save endangered wildflowers until their native habitat is assured of preservation or restoration, Dr. Harold Koopowitz, Director of the University of California Arboretum at Irvine, started the first cryogenic seed bank in North America. He has saved more than 150 species, many of which may have medicinal benefits, and established a plant preservation model for arboreta and botanical gardens.

Part 4: Preserving Holland's Tidal Ecology:
Concerned that a conventional dike would destroy the tidal ecology on the Eastern Scheldt Delta of Holland by creating a barrier between salt and fresh water, fishermen, environmentalists, five members of parliament, and other citizens mounted a campaign to create a "dike with doors," which remains open except when floods threaten the land.

Part 5: Fish Farming in Amazonia:
Slash and burn agriculture in Amazonia causes massive damage to the environment, locally and globally, while tragically not meeting local needs for food and economic development. Using pigs and ducks for integrated fish farming, Dr. Juan Guevera found a solution that eliminates the need for grain to feed the fish while providing families with both income and nutritious food without damaging the rain forest.

One Second Before Sunrise Program II: A One-Hour Program with Two Stories

Host and Narrator: Lynn Redgrave, Sweden Co-Host: Johan Forssblad

Cameraman Anders Carlsson (left) and
Host and Co-Producer Johan Forssblad.

Part 1: Cooperating for Clean Air: A co-production with SVTV2, Swedish Television, Produced with the assistance of Polish Television.

Remarkable efforts of pollution control and energy efficiency from a power plant clean enough to be in the heart of Stockholm to solar villages near the Arctic Circle are highlighted, serving as examples for factories and homes. The story features Christer Ågren, a biology teacher who led Sweden's campaign against acid precipitation and global climate change for more than 15 years.

Horizon production crew with Hei Long Jiang crew and friends.
Hosts: Lynn Redgrave, Sam Waterston, Rasmane Raso Ouedraogo

Part 2: Spiders Help Farmers Grow Safer Crops:
A co-production with Hei Long Jiang Television,
People’s Republic of China

This program takes you from Harbin in northern China to Wuhan on the Yangzi River and into the San Joaquin Valley in California. Dr. Zhao Jing Zhao's innovative use of spiders to control cotton pests in the People's Republic of China demonstrates the significant role of integrated pest management as a means to reduce the use of harmful chemicals while increasing agricultural productivity. Cotton growers in Hubei have increased their yields while reducing the use of pesticides by 70-90%.

Spiders are protecting cotton against predators in the fields of Wuhan, while delicate green lacewings are protecting cotton in the fields of California.

One Second Before Sunrise: Program III
Spirited Changes in Mexico
A One-Hour Program
Host: Lynn Redgrave;
Narrator: Sam Waterston
Produced in cooperation with XEIPN Canal 11 television of Mexico.

People from Chiapas to Juarez are finding ways to address concerns about population, economic development, and the environment -- not as separate issues, but as threads which, woven together, improve the quality of life. FEMAP and other NGO's and government efforts are advancing health care and sex education, working to improve the conditions of Lake Chapala, advancing non-polluting methods to dry bricks, and helping girls and women increase their education and find jobs.

One Second Before Sunrise: Program IV:
Burkina-be: People with a Future
A One-Hour Program

Host and English Narrator Lynn Redgrave
Host and French Narrator Rasmane Raso Ouedraogo

Women, men and children in Burkina Faso are working together to curb desertification, reforest the land, increase education and economic opportunities for girls and women, and reduce population growth. People mobilizing for change are bringing about a better way of life.
This program was produced for and funded by UNFPA

Movie Clips (in Windows Media)
OSBS 4 Introduction.wmv
OSBS 4 Part 1 Famine
OSBS 4 Part 2 Daily LIfe
OSBS 4 Part 3 Problems
OSBS 4 Part 4 Changes
OSBS Part 5 Mimosa Trees
OSBS 4 Part 5 Efforts
OSBS 4 Part 6 Health
OSBS 4 Part 7 Health
OSBS 4 Part 9 Herbal Medicine
OSBS 4 Part10 a Ouahigouya
OSBS 4 Part 10b Ouahigouya
OSBS 4 Part 11 solar
OSBS 4 Part 11 Conclusion

Broadcasters & Distributors

Broadcast in more than a hundred countries in fifteen languages One Second Before Sunrise has broad appeal, capturing the interest of diverse viewers of all ages with its entertaining approach.

In the United States, One Second Before Sunrise captured the position of one of seven natural history programs in a year chosen for nationwide broadcast on PBS.

Horizon’s distributors have included the International Broadcast Network of the United Kingdom and United States, and Bullfrog Films, former educational distributor of One Second Before Sunrise Programs I and II in the United States.

Horizon’s Programs have been shown at many venues including:

Special Viewings:

  • Horizon Solutions featuring excerpts from 10 of Horizon’s TV programs shown for two weeks at a special exhibit for the Horizon Solutions Site in the main Visitors' Hall of the United Nations.
  • Horizon Solutions shown by WETV a EXPO 2000, Germany, and across Europe on Astravision.
  • Horizon Solutions excerpts, broadcast as PSAs in Europe.
  • An Introduction to One Second Before Sunrise produced for the 15th Anniversary of UNEP was shown at their Anniversary celebrations in Nairobi, Kenya 1987.
  • Horizon-Peru has shown Horizon’s programs, in Spanish, in conferences, universities and organization meetings in Peru and the region.
  • United Nations Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, Egypt
  • United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro
  • United Nations Women’s Conference, Beijing, China

Television coverage:
  • Featured on two ABC-TELEVISION, USA television programs with excerpts from the programs: one with Horizon host Lynn Redgrave.
  • Featured on WNYC "Solstice: The Day the Sun Stood Still" produced by Charlie Morrow, with Horizon host Lynn Redgrave.
  • First US International Environmental Film Festival
  • Labrador Film Festival
  • United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit)
  • United Nations Fourth International Conference on Women
  • The Waterwalker Film and Video Festival

Broadcasters & Distributors
One Second Before Sunrise has been broadcast and viewed on videos more than a hundred countries in as many as fifteen languages. The programs are for viewers of all ages.

In The United States, One Second Before Sunrise captured the coveted position of one of seven natural history programs in a year chosen for nationwide broadcast on PBS.

"There is much to learn and see in this first-rate hour hosted knowledgeably on location by Lynn Redgrave ... Ms. Redgrave's lively comments and sincere curiosity make this show a standout." (King Features Syndicate)
"[The Series shows how] individuals worldwide implement ideas to improve their environments and economies." (New York Times)
"...upbeat and well-written..." (Moving Pictures Bulletin)
"...well-edited, beautifully photographed... with positive approaches to improving the environment." (Booklist)
"...an excellent and thought-provoking series about how individuals are making contributions to the future. Highly recommended." (Video Librarian).
"[The Series] would be an excellent addition to any junior high, high school, college or adult library collection. Highly recommended." **** (Video Rating Guide for Libraries)

Awards Include:
CINE Golden Eagle
National Education Film and Video (US) Bronze Apple Environmental Action - High School

Horizon International’s programs are made available here to view and to
download for personal or organizational viewing as a public service.

WARNING: International agreements and national laws protect
copyrighted motion pictures, video tapes and sound recordings.

Unauthorized reproduction, exhibit or distribution of copyrighted
materials can result in severe criminal and civil penalties.

©Horizon International (A.K.A. Horizon Communications)


Horizon International is grateful for the support which has made its television programs, Horizon Solutions Sites, Research, Associates Program and other work possible. Co-producers provide major financial support, research and production talent for the television programs.

Funding: (Partial List)
Financial support from:

Asia Foundation
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
John and Clara Higgins Fund
Albert A. List Foundation
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur,
Public Welfare foundations,
Rockefeller Foundation
UN Population Fund (UNFPA),
Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE)
Lawrence S. Rockefeller
Weeden Foundation
Numerous individuals.

In-kind support from:
Harvard University
Yale University
And hundreds of cooperating entities.
Horizon’s Co-Producers

Production Credits

Production Credits
This is a partial list of the numerous people who have made these productions possible.

Hosts and Narrators Johan Forssblad
Rasmane Raso Ouedraogo
Lynn Redgrave
Alfred Thorwarth
Sam Waterston

Executive Producer
Director Janine Selendy
Director Lothar Wolff
Co- Directors Rasmane Raso Ouedraogo
Béla Selendy
Lothar Wolff
Production Coordinator, Mexico Mexico- Canal 11
Magdalena Acosta
Associate Producers Bill Finnegan
Wang Guang
Wu Lui
Location Research Consultants Filippe Benevides
James Gannon
Rasmane Raso Ouedrago
Guadalupe de la Vega

Production Manager, Mexico Francisco Javier Gonzalez, XEIPN Canal 11
Production - Research Director Jo Yellis, Yale
Post-Production The Edit Room
J. G. Films DuArt Ross-Gaffney, Inc.
Monitor Film and Television AB
Roland House
SV TV2, Sweden
Sync Sound
XEIPN Canal 11, Mexico

Post-Production Program Manager Sam Green
George Kane
Elaine Selmier

Camera Nick Caloyianis
Anders Carlsson
Salomon Gonzalez
Eric Kollmar
Franz Lazi
Michael Majoras
Heinz Van Matthey
Roberto Romano
Janine Selendy
Stan Waterman
Alicita Webber
Harold Wexler
Sy Wexler
Still Photography Jan C. Post
Janine Selendy
Ulrika Selendy

Sound Page Feldman
Klas Karlsson
Michael Lonsdale
Flora Lee Moon
Ronald Paradise
Wexler Productions
Bela Selendy
Ronald Yoshda

Lighting (partial list) Clarita Caloyianis
Editors Roland Carter
Sam Green, The Edit Room
Béla Selendy
Janine Selendy
Lenka Svab
Jean Tsien
Robert Zakin

Gaffer Team, New York City Northern Lights
Gaffer, Mexico Alejandro Moreno
Music Joe Mennonna
WDR TV Germany
Martin Bresnick, Yale University
Elizabeth Higgins Null
The Village Band Burkina Faso
Hei Long Jiang TV
Equipment Rentals BASF
Ljud and Media AB Camera Equipment

Scriptwriters Robert Bendiner
Rasmane Raso Ouedraogo
Jan C. Post
Daniel Rosenberg
Janine Selendy

Script Editorial Consultants Robert Bendiner
Judy D. Hallett
Elisabeth Higgins Null
Philippe Selendy
Allen Sloan
Production Assistants Jordana Abrams
Page Feldman
Sean Gordon
Clare Parker
Heather Robertson
Vance Weiss

Additional On-Location Assistants Jiang Yu Hui
Teresa Mendiola
Rolando Marin
Burney Hage
Ronnie Pieters

Archive Footage Bio-Integral Resource Center
Discover Magazine
University of Lund, Sweden
Methuen and Co, LTD.
Ken Middleham Productions
Richard Thom/ Tom Stack and Associates
The Valley Keeper
Rincon Vitiva Insectaries, Inc.
Regents of the University of California
Wrangler Annabel Clark
Transportation and Location Services Plaza Resort Bonaire
S.A.S. Airlines
Antillean Airlines
Tourism Corporation Bonaire Zee Zicht Restaurant
Harbor Village Beach Restaurant
Old Inn Restaurant
Croccantino Restaurant
Richard's Waterfront
Adams Unlimited
Paul Verbeek
Dive Shop Manager
Steve Jevon
Bondewijn Scholts
Many dive masters in Bonaire
Martien W. A. van der Valk
Special thanks to the FEMAP (Mexican Federation of Health and Community Development Associations)
The Hotchkiss School
Harvard School of Public Health
Hubei University
International Planned Parenthood Federation
Population Council
United Nations Information Centre for Burkina Faso
United Nations Population Fund
Yale University
Yale University Biology Department

About Horizon International

Horizon International works to find and advance solutions in the interconnected areas of health, the environment, population and economic well-being and, in recent years, is concentrating on addressing water and sanitation and hygiene problems and solutions. The non-profit NGO is based at Yale where it has been a guest of the University since 1992. From 1987 until 2006 it had an office at Harvard University.

Multimedia programs including a solutions site at http://www.solutions-site.org, which is the organizations main web presence, an oceans website at http://www.magicporthole.org, and international TV programs, many of which can be viewed on YouTube at www.youtube.com/user/jselendy, other educational materials, lectures, conference participation and consultations are means employed to achieve its goals.

Horizon’s recent effort is the production of the book, Water and Sanitation Related Diseases and the Environment: Challenges, Interventions and Preventive Measures, a Wiley-Blackwell collaboration with Horizon International, for which Horizon’s head, Janine M. H. Selendy, is Editor. The book was written by 59 experts from the fields of public health, medicine, epidemiology, environmental health, climate change, environmental engineering, and population research.

Available for FREE at: http://www.solutions-site.org/sites/default/files/WASH%204%20All%201%20090314.pdf

On September 16, 2014, Horizon International launched the publication of “Schoolchildren Battle Malaria and Other Diseases,” the first edition of “WASH 4 All,” a comic book series being offered for free throughout the world.

“WASH 4 ALL” (water, sanitation and hygiene for all) comic book series and short animated cartoon videos are being produced by Horizon International, an NGO based at Yale University, New Haven, CT, in collaboration with the media service of Beautiful Feet International (MediaBFI), a non-profit organization based in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. The comics are being created to positively engage youths in the fight against diseases related to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

The 12-page colored comic book, draws upon the content of Horizon’s book and its accompanying DVDs, “Water and Sanitation Related Diseases and the Environment: Challenges, Interventions and Preventive Measures.”


Janine M.H. Selendy, Chairman and President
Horizon International
Department of Biology
Yale University